An affiliate of the Center for the Book
in the Library of Congress
The Library of Congress (LOC) Center for the Book was established in 1977 to promote books, reading, libraries, and literacy. In 1997, the Maine Humanities Council established the Maine Center for the Book as a state affiliate of that program. It was renamed the Harriet P. Henry Center for the Book in 2003, in honor of Maine’s first female judge, a former Board chair of MHC and a longtime supporter of the humanities.

LOC Center for the Book
The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress is a community of 56 Affiliated Centers, promoting reading, libraries and literacy through the Library of Congress and its Affiliated Centers across the country.

LOC National Book Festival
The annual National Book Festival is held in the nation’s capital at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. The event is free and open to the public.

Fighting for YES!
This picture book from Maine writer Maryann Cocca-Leffler and illustrator Vivien Mildenberger was Maine’s selection for the 2024 Library of Congress National Book Festival in Washington, D.C.

Moon in Full
This memoir from Marpheen Chann was Maine’s adult selection for the 2024 Library of Congress National Book Festival in Washington, DC.